it's an hour to new year 2010, but my heart still full of sorrow and sadness.. Tobe honest i hate new year eve... It's reminds me bout my mom. My mom pass away in new year eve 1995..
December 31st 1994 at 11.00 PM.. She passed away because of disease, she got stroke and diabetes.. she got sick almost a year before passed away.. and at the time she passed away i didn't feel that she's gone
I watched my favorite models on tv at that day... i scream when i saw them, i couldn't feel she's struggling to live at the hospital and finally give up, leave me and my brother alone..
Since that time i always felt sorry for her, i always wish that i could spend my new year eve alone just to remind her and send her a pray.. I hope she listen to me and give me her apologise..
To mom, even you are not here with me again, but you always on my dream, in my mind and heart, i always love you and i'm sorry for all the naughty that made you sad.. I love you MOM...
Thursday, December 31, 2009
09 to 10
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
i've been promise to my self, to him too that i won't be greedy. i know that he already had a family but i can't help what i feel with him, that i love him, that i miss him, and that i don't want him to go to Semarang...
it is -2 to new year, tomorrow is new year eve.. i know that i really can't have him in new year eve, but at least i want to talk to him at that night, i want to give him a kiss just by phone, but it's only a dream...
and all i can do is wish u well honey, i hope u will arrive at Semarang with your Family and you can come home safely in Jakarta... I miss you honey and i cant wait to hold you in my arms again, we make love wildly again...
Monday, October 19, 2009
who am i ??
i'm just a girl, whose living in an industry country but cant afford my self for working in that many company. my skill and my degree good enough but no company accept me because of my physical condition. i'm defect, my tall is only 130 and my weight is 51, looks so ridiculous right?
i'm just a girl, who live lonely in this big house, i have my father and he stay in other country, it's about more then 50 km and he live with his new wife and 2 daughters, i have my brother but he already got married. he is not living in the same house with me so even i have 4 room in my house and one of them i rent it and the other one for me i still life alone.
i'm just a girl whose looking for love. every one said i'm pretty enough but i still don't have a lover. i don't know what happened. maybe because of my physical condition or because god still love me so he didn't give me a lover so i still keep thinking of God? i don't know.. but i think i really need a lover now. i need someone to keeping me, who held me in his arm, who told me that i don't have to dream about the future because my future belongs to him. who told me just to love him and his children and nothing more i had to do. but i dont know these are still my dream
so WHO AM I??
i'm just a loneliner, and all i had to do is expecting till my dream came true...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
In Love and Get Fooled by Scammer
This week i've got a good learn from cyber. I've been on line since 2000 and for this almost 9 years i was diving in internet many of good and bad things i've been learning and know about them.
And one of miracles happened to me this week. I know a guy from Tagged, his name is David Johnson and he said he is from Scotland UK but he is now at a journey work in Filand, he is a good looking guy, with a fitness body and charm one, i know every girls and lady will fall in love with him when they look at his picture, and he is good with romantic too..
After we know just 3 days, he asked my phone number and my address in Indonesia, and with my foolish i gave them to him, just like a stupid girl who get spell he gave me some nice and romantic words, he always said that he will come to Indonesia next year to marry me, and he already send me a package from UK.
I got sock to hear this, how come he already send me a package after we known just 3 days, and he said he done that just to prove me that he really in love with me, he said than inside the package there are 5 set of Diamond necklaces, 5 set of gold necklace, 3 set of gold woman watch, 2 mobile phone, 1 laptop, and money about 10.000 poundsterling.But if the package arrive and i wanna took it i must pay Airport Clearance 550 USD.
Can u imagine how floatering you are as a woman, that a guy already give you such things, but lucky me just because i am a poor girl, and live in simple life, i don't have that much money for pay the clearence. David told me to borrow the money from someone and i can pay it back when i already get the package, but i didn't do that. i already prepare that if the courier call me on my mobile phone and ask me to take it on the airport in Indonesia so i will borrow some money from my family and neighbors.
At day 5th, i've got call from Malaysia, and he said that i've got the package from David in Malaysia and i must pay it by Western Union about almost 2000 ringgit. and worlwide global services UK already put my package in Malaysia. this statement makes me dilemma, if the package is in Indonesia i will pay it but it is in Malaysia, i don't know how to send a money by Western Union and beside that i don't have that lots of money, when i asked David about this he never answer me but just email me with romantic words at his mail.
And finally i got the decision, i reply the courier back and ask them to send it back to david in UK. after i send the email, Malaysia call me again but i didn't answered it. I really don't know if i've done the right things, but my feelings told me to do that.
and last night David chat with me after 2 days he was disappear, he asked me if i get the package and i said i didn't take it and ask them to send it back. and he got angry with me, he said that i didn't think it will cost him another charge when returned, and i said no. he just said thanks and left me.
And this is my first time i feel so lucky to be a poor and life in simple. if i got money maybe i will pay it and got fooled just because of it. thanks God i didn't get glare about money or jewelry and such things like that.
And for you girls, i asked you one things, never believe anythings from Internet and always get focus and trust your feelings.Believe me it works
A Sweet Present For Indonesia
Tomorrow Indonesia has hi anniversary for his 64th. and for that Indonesian People in North Sulawesi Manado give Indonesia a sweet present, and it is to breaking a record for diving who followed by 2000 people, man and woman, in every gender and every ages.
This is a sweet present for Indonesia, so many people who know Indonesia by news not just known Indonesia such an terrorism country or a perplexedly country, but Indonesia also can break a great record and promoting how beautiful Indonesia is..
So i urge people who really loved Indonesia please take care of our country and make sure that our security and our culture never get bad in the eyes of other country
Saturday, August 8, 2009
beware about bag backpack
Everyone are sure to delight and put the bag backpack. In addition to simple and practical, this bag also needs to load personal items, ranging from computers, books, and even clothing.
But for now it seems the bag backpack should be considered more carefully. Especially if the bag is used for school children.
Because according to research conducted by Dr. Mary Ellen Franklin, therapeutist physical and sports physiology from the Medical College of Georgia, says that back pain often experienced by children who are still in the growth in the age of 11-16 years.
To find out how big the influence of bag backpack on the back of children, from Mary to do a case study on students aged 10-13 years.
Research results, the heavy load backpack bag in the back of the child, the more difficult they are to increase the body weight to the tool. And when they came down from the instrument scale, there is a tendency for the burden is quite heavy focus on the their backs.
The conditions such as this is the result of a back injury in children. Because when the tote bag with backpack load more than 15% body weight of the child, the framework of their bodies will spontaneous leaning forward so that the spine is not normal.
And the position of the body such as this will cause the child's head forward or resign. And when the child's head erect when running, bone neck strain and will be more depressed.
The bag backpack user with a heavy load can also lead to skoliosis. Skoliosis basin is the spine to the abnormal side. With this unnormal condition this can happen in the neck, chest, and waist.
At July 6th 2009 morning i saw a news in TV who really broke my heart. There was a stepfather who crashed his stepson feet with a train. one of the boy feet lost coz the speed of the train, miracle the boy still aware and he just cried even he already lost his right feet. after he done the barbarian thing he run away and left his boy and people who saw it took the boy to the nearest hospital, even that the boy still awake and didn't get faint, can you believe the illness that cost. but the boy as strong as his name.. (his name is Tegar, In Indonesia it mean strong). And know Tegar already at home, while the reporter asked him what he want the police do with his father he asked the police to shoot his stepfather till death.
Can you imagine, how could a man do such a terrible and barbarian thing with a boy and left him without feel guilty in his heart? where is the loving and care with a child even he is not his real father, and after the father get caught the reason why he's doing that with his stepson, he said that his wife always left them in sunday morning for looking for money for their living, and when he asked to make love with her she said no because it's already late to her to salesmanship. the boy lost his feet just because of sex...can you imagine that
Monday, August 3, 2009
Mbah Surip we love u full
today there is a sorrow news from Indonesia, Our musician Mbah Surip has gone in peace today at 10.30 at Jakarta. His songs like "Tak Gendong" or "bangun tidur" always remind in our mind.
many suggestion came from his death, some say he got diarrhea, some said before he died his mount full of frothy, some said he got heart attack, some said he got tired, we still dont know what really happend to him, but he already gone and left us a deep sorrow from his lost.
not just children who like his songs but everybody who hear them will not lose the smiles from their lips...
for Mbah Surip, We Love You Full, and we will not forget to remember you and you unique songs ever...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Old President in New Election
Indonesia already finished it second election, this second election is for choosing the new president and vice president, and the winner is Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, he is our last president and the people still want him to become our president for the next 5 years. but he got his new vice president, not Jusuf Kalla again but Budiono, budiono is his ministry and being Governor at Indonesian Bank, but even we really don't know the really reason why SBY choose him because Budiono not from any party but many people believe with these two person to lead Indonesia for the next 5 years
and we hope Indonesia will become better and better in their hands and no more bomb, corruption, also become peaceful.
what happened with these people
Indonesia got fall again because some crazy people who just thinking bout themself have bommed 2 of a international hotel in Jakarta, 9 people got kill and MU cancel their planning to play in know let's think...who's get upset and sat bout that? just because of some crazy people and they really make Indonesian name get worse and worse in International eyes....
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
About 2,5 month in Indonesian entertainmen always talk bout Manohara, but who is Manohara??
Manohara is a model girl, 17 years old and get married with a Prince in Kelantan Malaysia. Can you imagine? a 17 Years old and has to be married? isn't too young? but if you must married with a Prince? you don't have to think bout age right? a prince..who can denied it..
With supported by her mother so she get married with the prince, just like Cinderella hopefully will ending happily ever after, but unfortunately the Prince Charming had a problem with his mind, he's just a little bit psyco, something wrong with his mind, especially with his imagine of sex, Manohara said that The Prince like to strain her such like cutting her boobs with razor blade, or she can't go out and if she does so she must put a smile on her face and show the world nothing happened, abuse her in un spot part of her bodies.
But it's all just her description, Her mother Daisy said that Manohara already get kidnap when they were in Jeddah, The Prince and his lacquey force her to get into his plain even Manohara didn't want to, after that her mother always go to the media to tell Indonesian peoples to supported her, but she never showed Indonesian people the proved or evidence
Just this monday, when the Kelantan King get sick n must go to Singapore Hospital, Daisy and her backup Datok Kadar Syah went to Singapore and based on what Manohara and Her Mother told the press we can thought or made a conclusion that Daisy kidnap Manohara back and fled to Indonesia.
And until this time, Manohara and her family become an artist, they always on TV in every channel and told the same stories and haven't show any evidence just talk and talk..
As an Indonesian, i support Manohara and her family if what she said is true and evidence is true and can be proved, but if they only talk in media and debate an empty talk so we can supported them right? If we must get war to Malaysia to supported her i agree but me must have any evidence and the police must ensure the right, coz i already get sick with Malaysia bout Ambalat, Gelang Sipatu Gelang song, Reog Ponorogo and Angklung, and i'm sure i am not alone. But with no evidence...hmm...
I know bout her problem in TV and i really get concerned bout her problem. Is this an indonesian law that we can speak out lout even with our friends bout what happened with our self?
If Omni International Hospital really a good hospital so it can receive a complain by its costumer, not just being a prosecutor, court and then become an executor. Indonesia has a law and every people has the right to feel it.
And what about the freedom to revealed the mind, if just emailing friends and tell them what just happened to us we've got to go to jail...well it really un understanding and unacceptable
So Let Prita M Free.. Where is your heart if u see 2 babies cried out loud calling for their mother? Where is your head if just by mailing you can get a arrested? Let Prita M Free and give her name back again and let the law handle it all coz OMNI International Hospital is not a Law
Thursday, May 7, 2009
what is banana
Banana: Containing three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber, a banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.
But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.
Depression: According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana.
This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.
PMS: the pills -- eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood
Anemia: High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.
Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect way to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.
Brain Power: 200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.
Constipation: High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.
Hangovers: One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.
Heartburn: Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.
Morning Sickness: Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.
Mosquito bites: Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation
Nerves: Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system
Overweight and at work: Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and crisps. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady
Ulcers: The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.
Temperature control: Many other cultures see bananas as a "cooling" fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand , for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood enhancer tryptophan.
Smoking: Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking. The B6, B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.
Stress: Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack.
Strokes: According to research in "The New Eng land Journal of Medicine, "eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%!
So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrates, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around. So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, "A banana a day keeps the doctor away!"
I've just see a movie bout heroes vs villains, it the story bout Spartant, i have heard bout him but i never know who is he, and when i watch his movie from DVD i really respect bout him
The movie begun when Spartant and his family got caught and they separate them, they sell him to a man who collect a man to be come a gladiator, at first he is a rebel one but his new friend told him to follow the rules if he want to survive, so he follow the rules until he become a good gladiator and always wins the battle.
Even he got success but he always dream bout the freedom, so he asked his friends as a gladiator to rebel and most of them agree, lots of them got success and Spartant become the leader of their group and always follow him wherever he go.
Spartant eventually realize that lots of the people in Rome become a slave, he tough bout his wife and their kids but didn't find a clue where are they and how are they now. When he saw a child who's digging a trash for find a food he couldn't help it and took that kid and made him to be his losing kids. He always maraud from a rich people and give a food for the starving one.
And because of his kindness, he begun famous and more and more people looking after him for his protection, his follower getting larger and most of them are a farmer, women and children, his friend as a gladiator angry to him cos his kindness and never lead them to start a fight and roll the government.
Eventually he take his follower and lead them to a place new and made a new live and never been a slavery anymore, he is a good figure that a leader don't have to made a war and always think bout welfare of his people...
I hope all the leader follow his impression and always think bout their people more than his revenge or his obsession
Sunday, May 3, 2009
resort or slavery
I had a story, a few weeks ago my high school friend ask me to look for un umbrella head, it looks like an umbrella and u used it like a head, it don't have stick to take on. because she is my old friend so i looked for it at 2 mall, i searched it bout 3-5 hours at that mall each, at last i found it but that store didn't have it right now so u must order it, so i order 6 pieces..
At the next day my friend force me to make sure to that store so i go to Metropolis Town Square (Metos) so that things really there and i don't have to looked for them, the salesgirl of that store made sure but that things can we take 2 days more cos her bos still had a holiday in Puncak.
At the we'd plan i go to Metos again and my friend's sister already transfer me the money. She gave me Rp. 500.000 cos the umbrella's price is Rp. 45.000.- each so its bout Rp.270.000.-, the postage to Bali Rp. 55.000.- and my fee to 2 mall for 3 days Rp. 75.000,- so all just Rp. 400.000,- and my friend asked me to transfer the remain bout Rp.100.000,- to paid her credit card, at first i have got confused. cos my fee is only Rp.75.000,- for my tired and cost and she got Rp.100.000,- for not doing anything, but cos i tought she was my friend so i gave it to her.
Bout few days later her husband SMS, asked me to find them a house near to my house, i told them that this is must be serious and they said yes they were serious, so i asked my uncle and his friend to helped me find a house under Rp. 100 million. But before my uncle and his friend looked for it they asked me some money for the cost, so i gave them Rp. 50.000,- each and i've got plan that i'll asked my school friend and her husband, but before i asked the money for compensation and we already find 3 good house for recommend them, she said to me that it was too late, her husband already find a good house behind my back and didn't tell me anything, so our work hard and especially my money did for nothing..
I really got angry with them, especially with my school friend, she asked me for sorry so many times but my heard couldn't give her apologies. it really broke my heard, that's what i thought is it a resort or slavery
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Just graceful to what you still have
As a person, sometimes we had an excess desires. such as we don't have a sport car even we already had a family car, we don't have a blackberry even we already used nokia. or if we don't have any child even we already married for 10 years..
Actually this thinking is good for the motivation, so our live has a purpose. but don't make it become an obsession, cos it would be bad for your mind and and soul. you will push your body and get tired all the time to reach what your obsession are but it could stand it and it could be get sick or you'll to obsession and could do anything even it would broke the law
So...if you could do your obsession in a good way it's good for you, but if it all should be a destiny, just be graceful to what god already give to you. enjoy your live and always graceful to your god cos until this day we still breath and have a good health.
What is the virginity?
For many people especially in East culture, virginity is very important. is a girl lose her virginity so her status become very disgraceful in community. so no wonder if indonesian women keep it so gently or she took to do an operated to become virgin than being disgraceful.
on the other hand, at West culture viginity becoming a taboo if a grown women still got her virgin. people will think that no one want her or or she is not a woman. even many she get disgraceful from her friends if they know bout it. they will think she is not popular or geeg.
this far is the difference and complex between east and west bout virginity, what is virginity actually? in medical it mean the torn of hymen from a woman because of something, so losing the virginity cold be a taboo or a mark that she already become a lady.
but the hymen can be torn not just because intimate relationship, such as sport like bike or another physical sport like gymnastic or karate because they used so many move and risk
so if a girl lost her virginity due an accident is the community has rights to judge her badly? or if she want to keep it just for her husband her friends have the right to disgraceful her? which one is more important? losing it cos an accident or still virgin even she got sleep with so many people but her hype didn't torn?
for me it all came from the heart. we can't judge no one if we don't know who she is and what do she want. she has the right to gives her virginity to anyone she want or she loved if she want to without thinking what people will think what she is. just educate her what will happen if she already give it to some and if she did not play save. educate them not just with the medical education but also with the religion. and let them choose what the best she can take.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Indonesian's Election Celebrate Party part 1
This April Indonesia is celebrating a campaign for picking their representatives of the people in the parliament, because in Indonesia which is a Republic and the chosen one hopefully will hear the community voices in many problems.
But there are many different between this campaign and our usually. We had a campaign since 1955 and we had 172 Political party, but we got fakum bout 16 years. In new decade (or in Indonesians Orde Baru) we start it again and this time the Political party get smaller, just 3 in 1971. when we had a reformation decade in 1999 the political party getting larger again, there are 48 political party and Indonesia takes the watcher from inside and out the country. But Indonesian people really can show their aspirations in 2004 and 2009 cos we really can choose who will be come our aspiration in the parliament, but not just that we really can choose our President and Vice President. This year there are 38 political party and 6 local political party in Aceh
But what should be a good one become a difficuld from many person. Cos so many person and political party we can choose so people get more confuse who we shold choose. in 1 political party there are minimum 3 person who candidate theirself and we don't really know them and what their purpose for us.
And another weaknes bout this campaign is so many people couldn't get join the election cos their name didn't list in the election places, so they can used their rights, bout more than 1 million can't used their right cos of it and they really unhappy. They blame it to the goverment but the goverment throw their responsibility to the institutions who responsibillities bout the election.
Even thou we hope this election part 1 will be come sucsess. cos we should still prepare our election part 2, that we should choose our presiden nad vice for the next 5 year.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
i'm single and very happy
Is it wrong to become single? most people maybe it becoming a big problem because of the culture, religion, or their needs. especially in east culture like where i live, being a single is a big problem, even it become a big issue
lots people thing become a widow is much better than never get married at all, at least u've been married but get fail otherwise never get married at all as no one ever wants you, but in east culture like Indonesia becoming a widow is worse than an old virgin. Community will harassing you just because you are a widow cos they afraid if you will take their husband or at lease tempt theirs. because if you are a widow so you already know the favors of making love,and you will search it even you know it's a sin. But if you are a virgin so you will keep it until you get married. you won't care with who you can get the favor, with a single too or with someone who already married. So house wife will get more fear if you are a widow than an old virgin
But, is it wrong becoming a single? if single is an option for some people how the community can judge them. Some single maybe don't want to being a single, they still have dream to get someone who really love him/her, who adore her, the one who can make them feel save and complete but they don't find him/her, or some people really don't need some one in their live cos they already feel complete. but community will think if they are a gay even they just wanna to be alone for a while. Especially if it concern with ages, is it wrong being single if you are still a single even you are old?
So guys..whoever you are...and if you still single don't be scare, just don't care about what people think. If you enjoy for who you are right now just enjoy it without afraid what people will think bout you, cos who ever you are is you are, sometimes if you really comfortable with who you are now so everyone who look at you will get comfortable too.
Pamela Anderson VS Rachael Ray
Nice 2 see u again, I hope you are not bored by reading my opinions... This time there is a topic I want to discuss ... About men and women
The most common but the most complex problems to search for this topic .. the conclution suddenly just flash in my mind after I read a novel about men and women ... Harlequin title of "Gentlemen Prefer Brunettes ..." from the Liz Fielding.
This story is interesting, funny, unique, and encourage all of us .. I, and it's not secret anymore men is more interested with a blond girl,skins so smooth, high slim, straight leg, (sorry) and a certain kind of breast and buttocks big but do not forget a small waist without fat .. well such as Nicole Kidman and Pamela Anderson, and men's illusion that the woman artis earlier as there will always be at home, welcome them when they at home, cook food every day, wash and clean the house and they always smile every time they arrived at the house .. well boys you can not get it all
Let make it simple, the model is want to wash clothes or kitchen equipment without fear of their broken nails, how they can still be pretty when she spend her time all along in the kitchen without wearing make up, what their bodies can remain slim if a few must try dishes that will serve them (the man) .. But we, women as if could be prosecuted for all the men want ... As if we should be able to realize what they dream of ...
I can talk like this because i am far, far away from the body or face model, so this is really becoming a serious thought ... What we (women) must follow men's wishes and desires when it so difficult to be we will be sad and self-parenthesize ? Indeed, what do the men want? A display in the house, which is always nice to be tough, or someone who can become a partner in their life? someone who can make them spend the day quietly until the end of life or a mannequin that is does not matter about comfortable hearts each other but only care bout material? Well for hair and nail care costs doesn't cheap ..
Well guys or girls ... I really need your opinion about this .. at least your advice so we can view our lives a couple of us actually want .. a person who has body like Pamela Anderson or figure in the novel Gentlemen Prefer Brunettes ... Cassandra Cornwell, a recipe cookbook author cooking, has a personality as a mother did not have the body, such as the blond and brown models. Such a figure like Rachel Ray.
the miracle in the disaster
I live in Indonesia, a country that has always override the disasters be fatal to humans that are not few, but in the midst of disasters that occur can be tough when a miracle in thought with the logic will not make sense.
First we hardened the tsunami in Aceh in December 2004, the sea water crash most of the city in Aceh, many houses buildings and facilities destroyed by the lunge of the sea water at more than 13 meters, but in the middle of the building that was destroyed with the average land have a strong building that is not hack at all by the tsunami mosque in Meulaboh and Aceh Besar.
Also In Pangandaran west Java. Large-scale earthquake and tsunami flatten buildings around the mosque but it still standing upright in the middle of the building with the flat land.
And it continuous that happen again flood or little tsunami it can be spelled out in the small southern Tangerang Situ Gintung Banten, 1 mosque remain standing upright, although the location is only about 50 meters from natural sources, namely destruction buffer Situ Gintung there, all the houses in around mosque was destroyed but still standing upright as if ready to protect the human perspective indeed need help.
What is actually able to make these mosques can still stand upright? If we are tough, the structure of the mosque not too far different from the houses and other facilities, but why the others were destroyed but the mosques are still strong and only slightly in the destruction of the suffering, only Allah SWT is a response, and we especially me as the Islamic religion can only say Subhanallah and must recognize the greatness and power of Allah SWT, Allah SWT is the couses of it if will and it will happen ..